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Measuring Impact in Education: A Personal Connection

Rebecca Speirs

In 2024, measuring and communitcating impact is more important than ever. This week I experienced being the 'stakeholder' receiving an update. I sponsor a Cambodian girl through school via the Cambodia Charitable Trust (CCT) and we receive periodic updates on what difference our commitment is making.

Originating from Tauranga, New Zealand, where I used to live, CCT supports Cambodian girls from underprivileged backgrounds to stay in school, helping them achieve what many thought was impossible: attending university. The most recent update reported a visit to Cambodia by a group of volunteers to evaluate progress. We heard how two of the schools in the program have been recognised as Model Primary Schools by the Ministry of Education in Cambodia, a testament to the dedication of everyone involved. The visiting group had a taste of the challenging conditions the local community live with, from sweltering heat to torrential rains, and reported back on the commitment from the local team and the students. These are children from incredibly difficult backgrounds, who are hardworking, driven, and grateful for the educational opportunities opend up to them through this program.

CGT puts on several events each year, and one I've attended before which I highly recommend to Tauranga locals is "Street Food Supper and Stories of Impact". It offeres a chance to get more insight into some of these inspiring students and schools. Previous years have included photography and stories from the schools and and this year offers video interviews with students to celebrate the achievements of the CCT-supported schools. It's also catered by the students of the local polytech making delicious Cambodian street food. To find out more, see Streetfood Supper and Stories of Impact (

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